We were having a lot of trouble in our marriage, as well as I was thinking it could be because of the Heating as well as A/C system.
My friend and I hadn’t had zone control in the house, as well as I knew I was being inadequate about changing the control device all the time. I was going through menopause as well as could not decide if I was going to spontaneously combust, or if I was going to freeze to death. It was driving me crazy, as well as my wife was getting irritated. My friend and I talked about having zone control installed in the house. My wife said if my friend and I going to make any swings, my friend and I may as well invest in the new Heating as well as A/C system my friend and I had been talking about for the last two years. I was hoping if my friend and I got a new Heating as well as A/C system as well as installed zone control, it would change our lives. I only hoped it wasn’t too late. It took two weeks to get the new Heating as well as A/C system delivered, as well as it only took two afternoons to install the boiler as well as the a/c unit. The Heating as well as A/C serviceman installed zone control as well as put control units in every room. I was able to go to another room, turn the control device down low, as well as cool off whenever I had a heat flash, and when I was comfortable, I could go back into the living room as well as watch television with my wife. I could not feel how much calmer my wife was, as well as how much less arguing there was. The new Heating as well as A/C system as well as zone control was making a sizable difference in our lives! Hopefully menopause won’t last as long for me as it did for my mom.