I knew there was a concern with the heating system… Every so often, I would hear a small boom coming from the heating system.
I called the Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation who recommended I turn the heating system off until the Heating plus Air Conditioning professional got there.
They were sending him to the home as soon as possible. She made the situation sound so dire, that I turned the heating system off, plus put my blazer on when it began to get cold. An hour later, the Heating plus Air Conditioning professional was at the door. He headed directly to the heating system room plus started working on the heating system. I heard a loud boom come from the heating system, that reverberated through the air duct. I opened the basement door, hoping I wasn’t going to see any flames. The Heating plus Air Conditioning professional appeared to be temporarily stunned, but he said he was okay. Apparently there was a gas pocket. When he touched a wire, the gas pocket lit, which caused the boom. He said he wasn’t going to get the heating system repaired any time soon, plus asked if I had anywhere to go for the night? I could absolutely call my mom, best friend, or even my fiance, however I didn’t want to leave the house. He said it was supposed to get legitimately chilly that night, plus if there were more gas pockets, even a space heating system could cause a spark. He scared me enough that I called my mom plus asked if I could spend the night there. I told her I would explain why when I got there because I didn’t want her worrying about the heating system if I didn’t arrive right away.