Well, not the running part but the dance routine
I cherish that my little boy gets excited about the small things in life. I’m certainly jealous that at the age of 3 or so, whatever it is that’s current or pleasing to him, he will express himself. He would do a little dance, clap his hands or go woohoo. I can’t help but smile and giggle at these reactions. His dances are outlandish as well. They are not something you’d see at an anniversary or a club, but it’s just cute and he gets the kick out of me giggling. A few years ago my wifey and I purchased an apartment that was pretty bare. We didn’t have a lot of things in it except for the essentials; beds, fridge, oven, furniture, etc. It was a home, but my love and I were not exactly living a comfortable life. Until just recently, my associate and I purchased a new big screen TV, and I wanted air conditioning in the house. We called the Heating and A/C company, and after a week the cooling expert came in and installed central air conditioning. The apartment feels way better than it used to, and at night my family and I all sleep much better. It’s kind of comical when the central air conditioning turns on because our kid will yell, “Woohoo,” and run around the apartment followed by a small dance routine. No matter what I’m doing, I’ll watch in amazement and laugh and at times, join in with him. Well, not the running part but the dance routine. I don’t have the energy to run, however sharing that moment with him is amazing. Also, I know he likes seeing his dad do it with him.