Clean that cooling system soon

It is 12:30pm now and I still have over four hours to get my work done before I have to train on the beach. Soon I will put on my podcast to learn the language while I do my yoga routine for an hour. I like to listen to the Spanish podcast while I do…

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A familiar looking cooling specialist

I had been researching climate control systems and cooling technology before shopping for a new cooling device for my house. My friend had advised me to consult the local service provider before I made a final decision. Since HVACS has changed so much over the years, a recommendation would be of valuable importance. Two recommendations…

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Ready for some cold a/c soon

It is now the 22nd of April and the weather is already getting hot. I know it will be getting even hotter soon, and there will be many more tourists. My partner and I will be wishing for the quiet winter time once again after not too long. It gets absolutely crowded here in June…

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Clean that washable HEPA filter

My sleep has been absolutely patchy lately and I’m not sure exactly why. Something in my life is out of alignment and it usually is shown in my sleep pattern, which means I need to take a closer look at my habits and try to fix what isn’t right. Maybe not having a female partner…

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