Maxine needs to call her mom as it has been weeks since they talked.
Her sibling is dying soon and Maxine feels she has been feeling a bit down about it, so she is giving her time to digest it as it is a large thing losing a sibling who you are close to.
Maxine has been living away from mom for ten years now and it is hard going back to visit because she really can see her mom is aging each time she returns. We are all aging, however it is tougher seeing your dear mom get old. Heating, Ventilation & A/C system repairs was mom’s job for various years, however now her and her Heating, Ventilation & A/C rep Mom are both retired and spend a lot of their time in their hometown and they don’t get to see each other so much anymore. It is upsetting that they are so far apart, however Maxine’s dreams have brought her over here and she has to give them a shot before throwing in the towel and moving back to her hometown. She works for a local corporation in the neighborhood here and they keep her pretty tied up during the week. However, on the weekends Maxine plays music in a band and she is trying to do a large tour of the country in several months or so. She is both a cooling expert and works together at the local company during the day. At night, Maxine practices some on the streets and records her music to upload online for her little fan base.