Coming from a small town and moving to the town is a major transition, and not only did I have to get used to having people living so close to me, I had to acclimate to using an Heating, Ventilation and A/C system all the time so that I would have fresh air in my home. I took a task for the local government as the clerk at the courthouse. This meant that I not only took payments for traffic tickets, permits, and parking fees, I also had to pay the bills. I was given clearance to sign the checks and each time a bill came in, I paid it out of the appropriate line item on the budget. When I looked at the budget overall, I noticed that the amount set aside for utilities was absolutely high. After the first bill came in, I knew why. They were paying almost a thousand dollars a month just to heat and cool the courthouse. I know that it is an older building but I thought this was outrageous. The taxpayers in the town would be furious if they knew the amount that it was costing. I asked the building superintendent if there was a problem with the Heating, Ventilation and A/C system. He just said that it was old and had a taxing time keeping the locale at a constant temperature. I called my buddy at the Heating, Ventilation and A/C supplier and asked if they could send someone to do an energy assessment on the building. After that was done, they had several recommendations to help save cash. The number one suggestion was to add several zones to the system so that we could save cash on heating areas that were vacant most of the time. After working where I do for the past several months, I suppose there are many ways that we can split costs and save the taxpayers cash. Fixing the Heating, Ventilation and A/C system was just the beginning of my suggestions.