Different Types of Heat Pumps

I’ve been on the hunt of finding a new house.

I have been renting from my landlord outside of a small suburb for about five years now.

It’s a good household that has been able to suffice my needs for several years, however now I feel it is time for something new. The household that I’m in now needs a lot of updating. The floors plus carpets are the first things that need to come up. I feel that the lime green plus burnt green carpets plus the outdated chipped plus stained wood floors need to be replaced. Not to mention the heat pump needs to be replaced. There have been countless times where I told my landlord to call an HVAC provider to have it replaced. This is because all the times that I had an HVAC company come to my house they would tell me that they were repairing it. The last time they showed up, the company told me that it should be replaced. I told my landlord plus he finally agreed. So I made an appointment with my local HVAC provider to have the heat pump replaced, and when he showed up to my condo he told me that there are a few different kinds of heat pumps. The first one is an air-source heat pump that is the most popular installed. It can be connected to a whole-condo system or take the form of a ductless mini-split system. Another heat pump is a ground-source. These pumps are also known as geothermal heat pumps, plus are considered as one of the most energy-efficient heat pumps available.


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