A miserable time of year for sleeping

I lay there hoping it will cycle down for just long enough for me to drift off to sleep

The weather of late has been so hot that it is impossible to sleep. Sure, we have a portable air conditioner in our bedroom, but the noise it makes is sometimes worse than dealing with the heat. This lack of quality sleep has started to take its toll on my relationship. I am grouchy, short tempered, and pretty much bothered by the existence of my husband these days. I feel bad but I can not help snapping at him over the smallest of things. He is reaching that point too so we have decided that not talking to each other is best for the most part. Many of our friends have HVAC systems that include air conditioning and they don’t seem to be in the same foul mood most of the time. I think this has a lot to do with how quiet their systems are. They are used to the same noise year round too. He heat and air conditioning both use the same ductwork and produce the same noise when they are operating. There is no, getting used to, the new mechanical noise of a blowing fan and running motor. I swear it sounds like a freight train when the thing is running. I lay there hoping it will cycle down for just long enough for me to drift off to sleep. It seldom does when the night time temps are in the upper seventies with high humidity. I know it is better than lying in a pool of sweat I just wish they made them more quiet.
commercial air conditioning system