I legitimately cherish my task.
It is a lot of difficult work, however I certainly prefer it so much. Most of my afternoons are spent in my office, however there are several times a month that I get to spend a day or so out & about looking for supplies. My business also sends me on fully paid trips twice every year which is beyond amazing, then last summer, my family & I spent an entire week in South America, & my buddy and I loved it so much. The only issue about my task is that my office space is a bit small, & it is quite dated. I redecorated my office space, however it still seemed to always have a musty smell that made it feel seasoned & not clean. I decided to by an air cleaner to see if I could get the smell out of the room. The first air cleaner that I purchased did not labor legitimately well, & I was absolutely not impressed because I spent quite a bit of money on it. I did have a warranty however, so I was able to take it back & get a weird brand. The second air cleaner that I purchased works wonders, & the musty smell is almost completely gone from my office. I have also noticed that my dust irritations have improved tremendously which is a huge plus. Some of my coworkers noticed the difference in my office & asked me about it. I bragged on my new air cleaner for about ten minutes, & a couple afternoons ago, I saw that two of my co-workers have their own air cleaners now. I suppose the news is spreading around the building, & soon, everyone will have air cleaners in their offices.