Keeping My Apartment Warm

I never thought that I would be living in an apartment, however here I am; My dream was to go to school as well as then get married as well as buy a house… Unfortunately, I have not met my special someone yet, as well as I have been done with school for almost three…

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Springtimetime Temperatures

I genuinely love the Springtimetime where I live. It is one of my number one seasons. I grew up way up north, as well as the Springtime season was nothing like it is where I am living now. It was so frosty as well as muddy, as well as nothing seemed to ever blossom until…

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Springtimetime Temperatures

I absolutely cherish the Springtimetime where I live. It is one of my number one seasons. I grew up way up north, & the Springtime season was nothing like it is where I am living now. It was so cold & muddy, & nothing seemed to ever blossom until the legitimately end of May or…

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Keeping My Apartment Warm

I never thought that I would be residing in an apartment, however here I am, then my dream was to go to school plus then get married plus buy a house… Unluckyly, I have not met my special someone yet, plus I have been done with school for almost three years… I have a lot…

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We Lost our AC

Family trips can be a lot of fun, however they can also be quite testing of one’s patience! When I was younger, my family plus I would go on many trips together, plus some of my fondest memories are from those trips. Now that I am married plus have my own family, I understand why…

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Climate Changes

My partner, Vince, plus I recently moved up north in order to grow my partner’s business. It was a actually hard decision for us to make because my friend and I both grew up down south, plus both of our families are down south. My nice friend and I have been up here for about…

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Cold Nights

Now, I have my mattress pad on high, as well as his side is not even on which keeps me warmer without bothering him My partner as well as I got married about nine months ago, as well as my fine friend and I have enjoyed every second of our married life. I can hardly…

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No AC in My Old Mini Van

I love taking road trips with friends, however it is not often anymore that I get to go because I have four adolescents to look after. Before I had adolescents, I would go on spur of the moment road trips almost every month with my friends, as well as it was a blast. Now, it…

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Getting AC to the Dogs

My partner as well as I are not able to have children of our own, so my fine friend and I have dogs instead. We have five dogs, as well as I could not imagine life without them. They genuinely are our babies. Four out of our five dogs are quite large, so trying to…

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Purifying my Workspace

I legitimately cherish my task. It is a lot of difficult work, however I certainly prefer it so much. Most of my afternoons are spent in my office, however there are several times a month that I get to spend a day or so out & about looking for supplies. My business also sends me…

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