I easily hate the boiling plus humid temperatures plus I love to stay house when the weather is gross plus sticky, then i’ve lived down south all of my life.
I’ve never even seen real snow.
I am accustomed to feeling temperatures that are 60 or 79° during the winter season months. It’s great to have warm, sunny afternoons when everyone else is experiencing rain, wind, snow, plus ice, but unfortunately, there is a downside! When it’s 60 or 79° during the winter, you know it’s going to be 100° or higher during the summer, however the heat would not be bad if it was not for the humidity. The humidity is awful plus that’s absolutely what keeps me at house the most! As soon as I walk outside, I feel the humidity attacking my skin. I am regularly moist plus wet. I don’t have to worry about hydrating my skin with high-priced oils or lotions, because the weather does it for me; My friends wanted to go out to the beach last year plus I decided to stay home. It turned out to be 102° that afternoon plus 98% humidity. All of my friends got a sunburn, but I was perfectly glad plus comfortable at house in front of the air conditioner. When they got back from the beach, they were miserable but I was cool plus comfortable. I went to the club later that night plus hung out with some friends while they stayed inside plus medical professionald their sunburns. If you ask me, I suppose it was a much better idea to stay house during the afternoon plus go out at night.