I remember how my Grandma would always leave the key under the mat for myself and others when I was a kid, just like the other houses were all doing.
I bet you could walk down a street as well as find a dozen keys under the mats, as well as if you were a robber you could just walk into all these houses using their own keys as well as just shop away.
My mom does the same thing, however she is a lot lazier, she just leaves the keys on the ground outside the door in plain sight. Pretty hilarious. So today is Monday as well as we will play music outside this local company later on before sundown, then after sunset we will go sit beside this furnace in this quiet eating establishment as well as eat a light supper while we talk about our show we just did. My friend Dave and I are still trying to find our sound, which varies from show to show, however Dave and I are having fun in the process as well as making a little bit of currency. My mom is involved with Heating as well as A/C industry, as well as each time I do a show she asks the same thing; did you make any currency? Mom doesn’t quite understand how it works for an artist, as she has been working in the heating as well as cooling systems world for such a long time that she is out of the loop of why a musician does what they do. I just love playing music, so while it is nice to get a little currency too, that is not why I do it. Maybe one day, playing in air conditioned nightclubs as well as ski resorts with heating systems keeping us comfy, we will get paid a sweet chunk of change to do what we love.