It had gotten to the point where I dreaded looking at my Heating plus Air Conditioning bill; Every time I would look at it, I would be afraid of where it was now, then with every month, the price seemed to be increasing, plus I easily didn’t understand why, and i was not doing anything different, so why the abrupt change? I don’t know, plus I didn’t like it.
It was getting to the point where I couldn’t afford to run the air conditioner anymore.
The best way for me to find out what was wrong, is through a professional heating plus cooling supplier. So I made an appointment with the local Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation. When the professional cooling tech came over, he took one look around plus told me it was likely a ductwork issue. I was stunned, he had only been in my house a few minutes, plus hadn’t even looked at my central cooling component. How could he confidently declare the problem? However, it turns out he was right. The issue was pretty minor, just some holes in the ductwork, plus once those holes were covered up, my bills went back to normal, plus my house started to feel normal again… My house had been feeling either heated or cold, not anything warm; But once the issue was taken care of, all of that went away. I am so grateful to the heating plus cooling worker who was able to repair the issue. I now don’t have to worry about my bills being deranged high anymore.