Instead, my pal and I wait to honestly crank up the air conditioning until the temperatures breach the 90 degree mark.
If it’s July in this region, then that sound you’re hearing is a heat pump. The sound of the heat pump is nearly ubiquitous during the Summer around here. Shoot, there are heat pumps running from March all the way into June providing some level of air conditioning in this region. But this time of year is when you will definitely hear a chorus of central air conditioning in just about every neighborhood. Those of us who have been around a while know that air conditioning is essential for managing the Summer heat, yet, the cost of air conditioning can get out of hand if you don’t pay attention. For sure, there are things a homeowner can do in order to keep a lid on those cooling costs. I always start by making sure that I’m getting the most out of my heat pump. What I mean by that is I try to be sure that I’m maximizing the efficiency of my Heating & A/C equipment. That starts with an air conditioning tune up in the Spring. The Spring is also the time where my apartment begins to acweather conditions to the rising temperatures. My buddy and I do that by not reaching for the temperature control. Instead, my pal and I wait to honestly crank up the air conditioning until the temperatures breach the 90 degree mark. At that point, the air conditioning is pretty much just left on. But by keeping the house warmer during the peak heating hours of the day, my pal and I keep the heat pump from running too much. From there, it’s just being sure to be consistent with the temperature control setting & wait for September.