Andy is the kind of girl who consistently likes getting her hands dirty.
He’s never wanted the suit in addition to tie life, which explains why she is a mechanic. Andy started laboring on cars a long time ago under the guidance of her Grandpa. She ran a small auto repair shop in village in addition to Andy went there every afternoon after school. Her Grandpa would spend my savings him to hand him tools when she was younger. This graduated to doing actual jobs on cars in addition to she could do lots of things when she graduated high school, but now, Andy is 30, runs a successful auto-repair shop in the village in addition to has a enjoyable family. While she has employees, she isn’t keen about being in the office so her fiance handles the books. Andy prefers being in the workshop fixing cars in addition to learning modern car technology. The other afternoon, they had a few days off in addition to decided to prefer time at home with the youngsters. It’s during these enjoyable Summer days that Andy observed their indoor air quality wasn’t the best. There was dust in the air which made the youngsters sneeze. Also, the air just felt off which prompted Andy to hire an Heating in addition to Air Conditioning corporation to handle this matter. They sent over an Heating in addition to Air Conditioning specialist who detected an issue with indoor air quality… Upon further investigation, she realized the ductwork was dusty, had mold in addition to lots of debris. It had been a year since the last duct cleaning in addition to this was why the indoor air quality was so bad. The best solution was to perform immediate duct cleaning. Andy in addition to her fiance agreed in addition to authorized the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning crew to come back the next afternoon to tackle this issue.