I just cherish Easter! It is time of year where thoughts turn to rebirth & second chances.
No matter your Faith, you can’t deny that the world around you is bursting with new life, however at least in most parts of the country.
My mom keeps texting me pictures of her gardens all in bloom & making me long for warmer weather. I have two daughters & she even sewed some cute little sundresses for them to wear on Easter afternoon; She wanted me to send her pictures of them in their dresses however there was no way that I could put them on. Easter afternoon, the weather was terrible. The temperature was only twenty degrees, it was windy & snowing. You see, my pal and I live way up north & most Easter’s that I can recall are filled with this type of weather. My great friend and I spend the time from Halloween through Easter bundling our youngsters up in layers so they can survive the cold. The only way my pal and I would be able to have them wear sundresses is if my pal and I chose to go to my mom’s place for a visit. Maybe that is what she was hinting at by sending them. I called her & told her that I would send pictures of the girls in the dresses on Mother’s afternoon. Until then, my pal and I will stay indoors, dress in layers, & depend on our Heating & Air Conditioning system to keep us warm & toasty. My great friend and I even have our egg hunts in the household because it is way too cold for the adults to hide them or the youngsters to find them out in the snow.