A horrifying adventure

I have been running a small craft corporation for a couple of years now. I make many handmade items that are one of a kind plus wanted to branch out into online sales. The sizable question was, “where do I begin?”. I started looking into other sales sites like Ebay plus Etsy, these would work,…

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Wrong Number

My mom called the other morning plus she was more than a little frustrated. I was upset about her at first but then she told me that she was frustrated over receiving many iPhone calls asking about repair on their Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system. I was confused because this was on her apartment iPhone…

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Wrong Number

My mom called the other day and he was more than a little frustrated. I was concerned about his at first but then he told me that he was frustrated over receiving many iphone calls asking about repair on their Heating and A/C system. I was confused because this was on his house iphone number…

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Wrong clothing for a celebration

I just love Easter! It is time of year where thoughts turn to rebirth and second chances. No matter your Faith, you can’t deny that the world around you is bursting with new life. At least in most parts of the country. My mom keeps texting me pictures of her gardens all in bloom and…

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Leaky windows cause major problems

When my brother and his friends rented a flat downtown they were very excited about it. It was located in the heart of the party district and they planned on making it into the ultimate party place. They bought second hand furniture so that if it got ruined they could replace it cheaply. They had…

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Afloat with an HVAC system

I love watching those home improvement shows. They really are an addiction. The most recent series I have become faithful about watching involves unique housing choices. I have seen everything from living in a treehouse to turning an actual cave into a year round home. Each new one presents a different set of challenges to…

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London Fog?

Many people travel to Canada for vacation. The landscapes, tourist attractions, and lifestyle appeal to just about anyone. My brother and his wife planned a trip to Toronto for about three months. They thought they had prepared of everything when, upon arrival, they realized they did not. It was July, so they packed for warm…

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Wetter than wet!

After college one of my friends received several job offers. He went into aeronautical engineering and there was a large company in the Pacific Northwest that offered him a great job and relocation fees to come work for them. Now we all grew up in Texas so he was less than prepared for the drastic…

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Crushed HVAC unit

This experience has forced me to make the decision to take down the rest of the trees close to the house Whew! That was quiet the storm. It sounded like a war zone outside. The thunder and lighting were cracking, debris flying everywhere and trees coming down. Living where these storms are “normal” during the…

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