A familiar looking cooling specialist

I had been researching climate control systems and cooling technology before shopping for a new cooling device for my house. My friend had advised me to consult the local service provider before I made a final decision. Since HVACS has changed so much over the years, a recommendation would be of valuable importance. Two recommendations…

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Ready for some cold a/c soon

It is now the 22nd of April and the weather is already getting hot. I know it will be getting even hotter soon, and there will be many more tourists. My partner and I will be wishing for the quiet winter time once again after not too long. It gets absolutely crowded here in June…

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Clean that washable HEPA filter

My sleep has been absolutely patchy lately and I’m not sure exactly why. Something in my life is out of alignment and it usually is shown in my sleep pattern, which means I need to take a closer look at my habits and try to fix what isn’t right. Maybe not having a female partner…

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Indoor air quality looking good

I am trying to figure out what to put on our business cards for our band. My pal and I are leaning towards “Original Fun Music” because all of our songs are original and made up on the spot, and I was a comedian for 15 years so the fun is part of the package….

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Duct sealing is coming up

I’m getting close to my lunch break, and after that, I am going to take an hour’s down, as my gramps used to call it, to recharge my batteries for the rest of the afternoon. It is Sunday and there will be a lot of people around town and at the beach. My buddy and…

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Furnace filter in the store

Wow, this week feels like I am walking through cream of wheat waist high, as I didn’t get much sleep and my mind is running on two cylinders. However, I will keep on plugging along and complete my work by the time evening rolls around. I will probably take a short nap in about 15…

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I took a radiant heating unit

I should have asked permission before using my friend’s portable space heater, however I did it anyway. I was kneeling there with the boiler in my house, I was still a bit freezing even having it, however not from the temperature outside at this point but from taking his unit. My neighbor, who lives nearby,…

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My 3 year old and the cooling unit

Well, not the running part but the dance routine I cherish that my little boy gets excited about the small things in life. I’m certainly jealous that at the age of 3 or so, whatever it is that’s current or pleasing to him, he will express himself. He would do a little dance, clap his…

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My roomie is on the air con

My roommate thought it was so cool that he can now change the thermostat settings from his cellphone. The apartment is a nightmare. Well, not totally a nightmare but it’s super freezing in it. Outside of the disgusting trash mess that my roommate leaves throughout the apartment, the air conditioning is running 24/7. I don’t…

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I found a oil heater

So I guess online is what I have to do I’ve been searching high and low at my local stores, however I just can’t find a boiler in my town. I’m not a fan of ordering things online but it looks like that might be the route I’ll have to go. But before I do…

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A smart thermostat for dumb gramps

Grandfather doesn’t care about new-age technology. What does that mean? It means anything that was made after the 1990s is hot garbage to him. Well, that’s what he says. It’s constantly along the lines of, “Things are not made the same when I was younger.” I get it, he drove good cars that were like…

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Wanting for the wifi thermostat

That didn’t stop us from trying to get our mom to let one of us mess with the temperature in the apartment as soon as my associate and I could Arguing with your sister over, well it seemed like everything when you are younger, gets a little out of hand sometimes! Periodically it’s where my…

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